ING Tech invites new possible collaborations with Romanian artists through an open call. Emerging and established artists based in Romania are welcome to submit existing as well as new works for their new HQ in the city centre of Bucharest.

ING Tech invites new possible collaborations with Romanian artists through an open call. Emerging and established artists based in Romania are welcome to submit their existing work. The selected artworks will be acquired and displayed in their new office, located in downtown Bucharest. More info regarding the selection process below and at this link.

The works will be included in the global ING Art Collection, an international cultural platform owned by ING worldwide that explores the boundaries of figurative art and collects contemporary pieces reflecting the international and innovative identity of the company.

Display Venue

ING Tech takes pride in having built an imaginative, well-designed workspace soon to open both to our colleagues and to the public. Designed as a hybrid space between public and private, our new office tells a story of authenticity, simplicity, and sustainability, where Art plays an important role.

What are we looking for?

➫ Artworks that match ING’s international, contemporary, and innovative character and reflect—by content or technique—a sense of discovery and exploration.

➫ Works and perspectives that reflect the world around us, our times and society in a progressive light, and not an interpretation of the ING brand.

➫ Technology, discovery, human centricity, shared responsibility—for each other and the world. These are relevant themes for ING.


The call is open to both emerging and established professional artists based in Romania, invited to submit their existing works. All media & techniques are welcome and experimental approaches are encouraged. Artists can apply themselves or through the representing galleries.

➫ Visual studies graduates: Artists of the works submitted must be aesthetic/visual studies graduates (arts, photography, architecture, film etc.)

➫ Commitment to art: Artists can present a solid body of work that shows commitment to the artistic practice


Please email your application to by Friday, September 24.

Make sure it includes the following:

➫ Digital portfolio: website, Instagram account or any other digital channel where the artist’s work is best represented. A pdf file showing 20-30 works is also accepted.

➫ Curriculum Vitae: in PDF format.

➫ The artworks submitted for the call & the acquisition price for each
(a single pdf file for all works).

When choosing the works to be submitted please consider the following:

➫ Up to 5 works / artist.

➫ To embody the sentiment of present times and themes, works elaborated in recent years (2019-2021) are preferred.

➫ We expect ‘timeless’ or ‘forward-looking’ to describe the pieces submitted.

➫ The works play at the borders of figurative art and are not purely abstract pieces.

➫ The price indicated in the application is considered final and includes all costs and fees.

➫ Given the actual display space, the pieces submitted should fit the wall surfaces available:
Small surface: 2,5m length x 2,75m height.
Medium surface: 2,5-4m length x 2,75m height.
Large surface: 4-6m length x 2,75 m height.

3D works or digital works have no specific size limitation. However, bear in mind the display venue remains an office space with limited room for floor exhibitions.

An interdisciplinary jury formed of art curators, guest artists and ING representatives will assess proposals independently and make a final selection. Please bear in mind that the jury consists of members of different nationalities, therefore, the application pack you submit should be written in English.


➫ Submission: 03-24 September
➫ Selection Process: 27-06 October
➫ Results: 12 October
➫ Works to be delivered: 18-22 October

More info on the organiser's web page of the call.