KAJET Journal 01

How are Eastern European communities bringing themselves together during the unsettled times of our own contemporaneity? What makes the people from this geographical region truly Eastern European? How have Eastern European communities managed to survive the unsettled times provoked by war, turmoil, social unrest, and exodus toward the more prosperous West? How do Eastern Europeans tackle the issue of constantly being outsiders? How do Eastern Europeans respond to their cities crumbling and shrinking?
0. Prolegomenon
I. Being and Easternness
II. Rituals of Resistance
III. Poor, but Sexy
IV. Visions of Space
V. Erecting Walls vs. Crossing Bridges
Bojana Janković & Dana Olărescu, Jürgen Rendl, Zsuzsa Nagy-Sándor, Will Gresson, Petrică Mogoș, Laura Naum, Violeta Lungeanu, Hanna Stein, Eglė Ambrasaitė, Elke Krasny, Natalia Yeromenko, Lia Boșcu, Alina Lupu, Casper Fitzhue, George Jepson, Olivia Berkowicz, Megan Lueneburg, Voica Puşcaşiu, Stelian Dobrescu, Kateryna Filyuk
Alice Stoicescu, Anna Grozavu, Venesa Mušović, Elena Amabili & Alessandro Calvaresi, Nada Maleš, Bogdan Dumitrache, Alina Marinescu, Ana Maria Dudu, Mehmet Sıddık Özmen, Maria Băcilă, Kilian Müller, Antonia Corduneanu, Volodea Biri, Sasha Staicu, Tristan, Cristi Iacob, Stelian Dobrescu
Edited by Petrică Mogoș, Laura Naum
Design by Alice Stoicescu
Cover by Anna Grozavu
Publisher: Dispozitiv Books
Language: English
Pages: 240
Size: 16,5 x 23 x (2) cm
ISSN: 2559 - 8015
Print run: 1000
Printed at: Fabrik, Bucharest
Awards & Rewards:
Graphic Design Award—Romanian Design Week 2018
Editorial Design Award—The Most Beautiful Books of Romania 2018
Most Popular Covers of 2017—Stack Magazines
KAJET Journal 02

In the case of Eastern Europe, it is the very fluid history of the region that makes it the perfect site for critically delving into its troubled relationship with the notion of utopia. That is why, especially here, we must continue to juxtapose the current desolate order with a well-established ideal. Focusing on revolts and rebels, on insurgency and visionaries, on the speculative and idealistic, the second issue of Kajet Journal seeks to decipher and resurface utopian alternatives.
0. Prologue: An Empty Utopia
I. Archaeologies of the Future
II. Fabric of Time
III. Architecture as a Machine for Living
IV. Imagining the Radical
V. Easternfuturism
Anya Smirnova, India Lewis, Laura Naum, Irina Savin, Petrică Mogoș, Maisa Imamović, Seda Yıldız, Stanisław Welbel, Florina Năstase, George Jepson, Miruna Dunu, Jonas König, Uroš Pajović, Jeannette Petrik, without appeal (Will Gresson & Lia Boșcu), Cosmin Nicolae, Griet Menschaert, eeefff (Nicolay Spesivtsev & Dzina Zhuk), Sabin Borș, Ștefan Ionescu-Ambrosie
Gabriel Barbu, Ana Maria Dudu, Natalia Drobot, Mihai Șovaială, Dominik Wojciechowski, Neal Gruer, Anna Grozavu, Cristi Iacob, Sasha Staicu, Cristi Savin, Sasha Litvintseva, Ana Maria Grigoriu, Alina Cristea, Anna Łyszcz & Olga Roszkowska, Nomado, Katarzyna Wąsowska, Simon Crofts, Océane Réveillac & Philipp Preiß
Edited by Petrică Mogoș & Laura Naum
Design by Gabriel Barbu
Illustration by Ana Maria Dudu
Cover: Lenin Forever by Natalia Drobot
Publisher: Dispozitiv Books
Language: English
Pages: 240
Size: 16,5 x 23 x (2) cm
ISSN: 2559 - 8015
Print run: 4850 copies
Printed at: Fabrik, Bucharest
Awards & Rewards:
Editor of the Year Nomination—Stack Magazines 2018
Readers' Choice Commendation—Stack Magazines 2018
A sort of erratum:
We advise our readers to ignore the thanks to and logo of Unicredit Bank in the colophon of this issue, for the financial support promised was never delivered.
KAJET Journal 03

This issue of Kajet seeks to reclaim a lost space in times of anxiety and provide an organised structure of support, becoming an instrument of solidarity between peripheries, between marginals that share a synchronous struggle. The Eastern European struggle is not that of catching up with the West or regaining foothold, but that of maintaining life. For this, we need to lay the foundations for a future-oriented experimental internationalism, one that bridges theory and practice in order to conceive a world beyond capital, one that is led through indignation, solidarity, persistence, and systematic planning. So, dear reader, rise in anger and stand firm in solidarity!
0. Brief Histories of Struggle
I. Being is Struggling
II. Everything was Forever
III. Strategies of Resistance
IV. Conflicting Spaces
V. Ghosts of the Past
Gergő Varga, Hannah Bartels, Andrei Mihail, Petrică Mogoș, Vladimir Us, Simina Neagu, Dana Olărescu, Bojana Janković, Lina Džuverovic, Lucie Korbelová, Elliott Papazahariakis, V. Leac, Gabi Eftimie, Marija Nemčenko, Ola Korbańska, Klodiana Millona, Nikola Yanev, Anna Mária Juhász, Cristina Cărcănescu, Sabin Borș, Ștefan Ionescu-Ambrosie, Julien Britnic, Charlotte Gruber
Ramin Mazur, Nikita Dembinski, Laura Naum, Rio Rio, Mihai Șovăială, Vlad Brăteanu, Ola Korbańska, Blerta Kambo, Hristina Tasheva, Ilya Rabinovich, Dragoș Boțcău, Meindert Peirens, Michał Siarek
Edited by Petrică Mogoș & Laura Naum
Design by Gabriel Barbu
Cover: Mr. Marius shot by Nikita Dembinski, as part of the Age is a Wrinkle series
Publisher: Dispozitiv Books
Language: English
Pages: 256
Size: 16,5 x 23 x (2) cm
ISSN: 2559 - 8015
Print run: 2000 copies
Printed at: Kopa, Kaunas
Awards & Rewards:
Editor of the Year Commendation—Stack Magazines 2019
Shortlisted and Rewarded—The Most Beautiful Books of Romania 2019
If you are interested in stocking Kajet Journal, please write us an email (contact@kajetjournal.com) or contact our distributor (bryony@antennebooks.com).
KAJET Journal 04

By producing an archaeology of the periphery, the 4th issue of Kajet explores the possibility of a revised vision for the future of Europe, not in a totalising manner, but in a critical way. Kajet alerts the centre of the possibility that there is not one world, not one history or one future without alternatives, but many disparate worlds that are lived at different rhythms, producing contradictory histories and futures. Paradoxes are necessary: to remain local but open, homogenous but plural, rooted yet adrift, anchored yet aware of what happens beyond one’s proximity. Our periphery is European and elsewhere altogether.
I. Liminal Enchantments
II. Imagining the Everyday
III. Empowering Modes of Thinking
IV. Peripheral Spaces
V. East—West Exchanges; Or, is There Life Beyond the Divide?
Attila Antal, Patricia Becuș, Marek M. Berezowski, Dragoș Boțcău, Julien Britnic, Carnation Studio (Horațiu Șovăială & Raya al Souliman), Alexandra Chiriac, Roberta Curcă, Dezarticulat, Andreea Daniela Dițu, Alex Fisher, Stefan Fraunberger, Flóra Gadó, Anton Hryhorenko, Daniel Hüttler, Ștefan Ionescu-Ambrosie, Jan Jurczak, Kadna, Vicky Kluzik, Ramin Mazur, Zsolt Miklósvölgy, Marija Nemčenko, Karol Radziszewski, Christina Novakov-Ritchey, Johanna Rannula, Alin Răuțoiu, Patrycja Rozwora, Elizabeth Short, Horațiu Șovăială, Ioana Țîștea, Lucian Varvaroi, Laura Naum, Petrică Mogoș
Edited by Petrică Mogoș & Laura Naum
Design by Regular Practice
Cover: Rural Carnival by Ramin Mazur
Publisher: Dispozitiv Books
Language: English
Pages: 316
Size: 16,5 x 23 x (2) cm
ISSN: 2559 - 8015
Print run: 2000 copies
Elephant Zine Of the Month
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If you are interested in stocking Kajet Journal, please write us an email (contact@kajetjournal.com) or contact our distributor (bryony@antennebooks.com).