The Future of

Kajet 04—On Periphery

By producing an archaeology of the periphery, the fourth issue of Kajet explores the possibility of a revised vision for the future of Europe, not in a totalising manner, but in a critical, reflexive way. Kajet alerts the centre of the possibility that there is not one world, not one history, not one future without alternatives, but rather many disparate worlds that are being lived at different speeds, according to different rhythms, producing contradictory histories and futures. Paradoxes are therefore necessary: to remain local but open, homogenous but plural, rooted yet adrift, anchored yet aware of what happens beyond one’s proximity. Our periphery is European and elsewhere altogether.


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Authors: Attila Antal, Patricia Becuș, Marek M. Berezowski, Dragoș Boțcău, Julien Britnic, Carnation Studio (Horațiu Șovăială & Raya al Souliman), Alexandra Chiriac, Roberta Curcă, Dezarticulat, Andreea Daniela Dițu, Alex Fisher, Stefan Fraunberger, Flóra Gadó, Anton Hryhorenko, Daniel Hüttler, Ștefan Ionescu-Ambrosie, Jan Jurczak, Kadna, Vicky Kluzik, Ramin Mazur, Zsolt Miklósvölgy, Marija Nemčenko, Karol Radziszewski, Christina Novakov-Ritchey, Johanna Rannula, Alin Răuțoiu, Patrycja Rozwora, Elizabeth Short, Horațiu Șovăială, Ioana Țîștea, Lucian Varvaroi, Laura Naum, Petrică Mogoș

Edited by Petrică Mogoș & Laura Naum
Design by Regular Practice
Cover: Rural Carnival, by Ramin Mazur
Publisher: Dispozitiv Books
Language: English
Pages: 316 pages
Size: 16,5 x 23 x (2) cm
ISSN: 2559 – 8015

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